Harbro is the nutritional partner of 8000+ farms across the UK, providing innovative, high-quality livestock solutions. Their efforts are centred around improving animal performance through producing feeds for beef, sheep, dairy, pig and poultry. Harbro are devoted to investing in R&D to provide the best nutritional solutions to prevent and reduce on-farm complications.

Following a small cooler fire at the Harbro Birkhill site in Scotland, ISF were contracted to conduct refurbishment operations. There were several restorations that were required including the installation of a replacement Van Aarsen double-decked cooler and transfer conveyors and the renovation of existing fines returns conveyors.
Due to a relatively confined working area, this was a challenging project for the ISF team. However, Harbro’s John Craig was extremely pleased with the ISF installation team and project management. We have even designed to add a new sieve to their system at a later date!

Another project executed and another happy customer!

If you are interested in learning more about Harbro, take a look on their website: https://www.harbro.co.uk/